she liked Imaginary Men best of all

I see Sam’s Town, and Sam’s Town sees you!

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While we were in Vegas, Jill and I made our annual pilgrimage to our Mecca – Sam’s Town. You’d think having been there a few times now we’d stop acting like hyperactive fangirlies, but you would be wrong. It is a double dose of Obsessiveness for me as the sunny atrium in the center is named Mystic Falls – thereby combining my Vampire Diaries AND Killers fandoms into one Big Meltdown of Squeeing.

This time Jill noticed this:

And we wondered what kind of shenanigans those webcams catch (likely lots of Victims wandering around giggling and whining “but why don’t they PLAY Sam’s Town here??”

Thanks to Laura – we don’t have to wonder any more! Ok – so you have to sign in to watch it which does make it seem kinda creepy. Like – why do you need to know whose watching who you are watching? Don’t get all “Big Brother” on me Sam’s Town! 😉

At any rate – I fear logging on because I’ll either a) spend all day watching it and wishing I was in the fake wilderness of Mystic Falls seeing the cheesetastic water show and getting carded for soda (yeah, that actually happened!) or b) It will have archives and when I go through them I will get an accurate count of just HOW MANY TIMES I’ve been there in the last year!

Author: Amy H. Johnson

Amy H. Johnson is the author of The Fangirl Files a memoir about Boy Bands, TV Boyfriends and imaginary betrothals to 80s English pop stars. She prefers to be referred to as a "Cute Famous Boy Aficionado".

One thought on “I see Sam’s Town, and Sam’s Town sees you!

  1. (Grabs cup)
    SAM’S TOWN!!!!!! (takes drink)

    I think the best ST video footage could be of TK actually recording the ST album! But since they don’t even play TK music there (or name their buffet after one of the band’s lyrics!), we’ll have to settle with a video of us narrating the epic story of BranWolf, RonnieBear, PumaMark, and FawnDave. Oh and T-Bird 😉

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