she liked Imaginary Men best of all

Fangirl Favorites: Who do we want? Mulder and Scully! When do we want them? NOW DAMN IT!


Sarah and I were pretty hardcore X-Files fans, so when it was announced in 1997 that XF would be the “lead-out” program after the Superbowl, we were pretty excited.

We went to a party at the apartment of the guy I was dating at the time (which may in fact be the only Superbowl party I’ve ever been to come to think of it!) And after the game was over Fox went on and on and ON with their trophy presentation and post-game critiquing. It was getting pretty late and we had jobs to go to in the morning.

Now you have to remember – this was 15 years ago – we didn’t have YouTube, Hulu, online streaming or DVRs. We could set the VCR to record it – but I feel like there was some sort of problem with that (no tapes? no idea when to set it for? roommate taping conflicts? Who knows.) Sarah started getting more and more aggravated at the denial of Mulder and Scully and her ever later bedtime.

Finally she’d had enough and did what any good Fangirl would do: she called the local affiliate and went all Assistant Director Walter Skinner on their asses demanding to know when the X-Files would be airing and-didn’t-they-know-people-had-to-work-in-the morning-and-couldn’t-stay-up-all-night-waiting-for-the-post-game-to-be-over-and-the-show-to-come-on??!!

I believe the local station wasn’t much help – and to be honest with you – I don’t even remember if she finally gave up and went to bed or powered through to see it! But I always remember her utter OUTRAGE at being denied her show when she was promised it. That’s my girl!!

This had nothing to do with the episode in question, it's just my favorite M/S pic!

Author: Amy H. Johnson

Amy H. Johnson is the author of The Fangirl Files a memoir about Boy Bands, TV Boyfriends and imaginary betrothals to 80s English pop stars. She prefers to be referred to as a "Cute Famous Boy Aficionado".

2 thoughts on “Fangirl Favorites: Who do we want? Mulder and Scully! When do we want them? NOW DAMN IT!

  1. I remember you guys telling me this story and it’s even funnier to read it besides hearing it. You are my fangirl idols for reasons like this!

    Oh and #SarahIsAwesome

  2. I think we stayed up to watch but didn’t have to wait that much longer. I remember the person on the other end being 1. surprised that I had called 2. scrambling for reasons to give me as to why the show had not started…”We need to hear from EVERYONE who was in the Superbowl?? They need to interview the water boy for his reaction?”

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