she liked Imaginary Men best of all

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All the Fangirl Files Fun for only .99!

Black Friday is over, Cyber Monday is done, but the good news is there’s still a deal out there!


For less than a dollar you can read the book that’s been called:

Fun, funny, entertaining but with genuine heart and soul

A great reminder to embrace your passion, whatever it may be!

A must read for any fangirl, young or old, casual or hardcore

A fun read with a sweet message at its core

(Thank you kind Amazon readers for these lovely reviews!)

Act now – the price goes up in less than two days and then you’ll be bummed you have to break into your piggybank for the rest.



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I’ve written a book!

So it is clear that my attention to this blog has fallen by the wayside the last few years. There are many reasons for that including, but not limited to: a real, non-imaginary-man boyfriend, a house and a dog.

There is another reason that will be far more interesting to you which is that I have been writing a book! If you’ve liked what goes on here (when things were, you know, actually going on) then I guarantee you will like

The Fangirl Files

True Tales and Tips from the Fandom Frontlines!

Click to connect to my new book-centric website!

Click to connect to my new book-centric website!

The book is an expansion of this blog so if you enjoyed my tales of chasing Brandon Flowers on his Flamingo Tour, unapologetic love for Boy Bands, devotion to Pacey Witter and all things that celebrate being a Fangirl then get your copy and join the Fangirling Revolution!

May I interest in you a fabulous book trailer?

Buy now in Paperback or Kindle!

And follow along with #fangirlfilesbook on my social media (just look over there to the right, and up, and there you are!)

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The Boy is Mine

For Christmas my mom got me My Husband John Taylor’s autobiography In the Pleasure Groove: Love, Death and Duran Duran which of course I read in record time!


My favorite part of the book may have been the section where John talks about how the fandom started taking off for the band in the early 80’s and how the fangirls operated:

What began to happen was that girls aligned themselves with their favorite Duran star. Some gangs of friends formed subgroups of five, mirroring us where each friend could have a favorite Duran without stepping on the toes or desires of the other four friends, because if you were an Andy fan, clearly you could not be friends with another Andy fan. That would not work. You could be friends with a Nick fan, however, because there was no conflict of interest. Both friends could live together in harmony with Nick and Andy on that designated fantasy desert island for ever and ever, without a hint of envy.

OH MY GOD THIS IS SO TRUE!! (except for the fact that he thought there were “Andy Fans” – as if!) This is a very delicate but important rule in Fangirling: Do Not Pick the Same Crush as Your Friend(s). The first to claim their boy gets dibs on that boy in perpetuity and no – you may not crush on him, plan imaginary weddings with him, or write your name as it would appear if married to him in your notebook.

A true friend will recognize this and honor the code, picking the next available boy (but never Andy 😉 )


Girls I want to hang out with: Mindy Kaling edition

I recently read Mindy Kaling’s book, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (and other concerns). Mindy is a writer on The Office and plays celebrity/boy/fashion obsessed Kelly Kapoor on the show. She’s an amusing writer and a bit like Tina Fey’s little sister that you could actually-hang-out-with-while-you-mooned-around-their-house-wishing-cool-big-sis-Tina-would-notice-you-and-think-you’re-cool-enough-to-talk-to.

Mindy tells amusing stories about her childhood and her entry into Hollywood. I admit I’m envious of her pretty damn cool sounding life and career. Sure she has to go do photoshoots where bitchy stylists try to size her out of the posh clothes – but she also gets to go on Conan O’Brien! I feel like I could have had a career similar to hers had I stayed in Los Angeles after college — and had even an ounce of ambition 😉

But what made Mindy so relatable for me was the unifying topic of most women: Men. The dumb stuff they do and the stupid crap we put up with. She has a chapter that should be required reading for single guys everywhere entitled, “Guys Need to Do Almost Nothing to be Great” and includes a handy tips for men like, “Buy a well-fitting peacoat” and “Have one great cologne that’s not from the drugstore.” YES FELLAS PLEASE DO THESE THINGS!

In a chapter called “Non-Traumatic Things That Have Made Me Cry” she recounts a situation I totally TOTALLY recognize – that of meeting a nice, cute guy, having a great date and good enough chemistry to schedule a second date – which he cancels by text as she’s getting ready for the date – then, you guessed it ladies – disappears! See??!?! This kind of Annoying Boy Shit happens to famous girls too!

She also has nailed the difference between “Men and Boys” in a chapter of the same name. I won’t recap it here – go read the book – but I absolutely did a fist pump as I read it. So I really think Mindy and I would get along and have fun bitching about boys and gossiping about celebrities. She’s even written a “Best Friend Rights and Responsibilities” charter and – you know me – I’m all about my girlfriends.

You can follow Mindy on Twitter here (OMG she has Edward Gorey for her wallpaper and I’m A is for Amy Who Fell Down the Stairs!! Call me Mindy!), or hear more of her #MindyWisdom at the hashtag I created. She blogs too! (Mindy be my blog buddy!) And of course, The Office is on NBC Thursday nights.